“Relationships, spirituality, meaningful work, whole foods, and physical activity are the
building blocks to vibrant health”
I have been trained in over 100 dietary theories. This gives my clients and I an opportunity to explore a wide variety of eating styles and determine what works best for them.
I stress the importance of focusing on relationships, spirituality, career, and physical activity. These are the solid building blocks to achieve vibrant health.
Diet should be based on the individual, not the theory. Bio-individuality – the idea that one person’s food is another person’s poison – is based on age, gender, race, blood type, and level of activity. Respect the individual before you respect the theory.
I like to encourage clients to crowd out unhealthy foods by adding healthier foods into the diet instead of taking foods away. Deprivation often leads to failure, which creates a whole different level of problems within the individual.
Given half a chance, the human body will heal itself. The body is programmed to be healthy when provided the right building blocks, such as organic, whole foods.
Deconstruct cravings by listening to the body’s messages. The body is more complex than we may think. The heart never misses a beat; the lungs always breathe. When the body is craving sweets, chocolate, or alcohol, it’s probably not making a mistake. By listening to the body’s message, we can help determine what is out of balance.
Food affects your whole being – from your blood to your DNA, you are what you eat. Food has the power to regenerate the new you.